// a temporary adieu //

For the next month, I shall quite figuratively fall off the face of the earth.

For NaNoWriMo begins at midnight tonight– in the first moments of November– and I shall be participating for the very first time.

I’ve got my chapter outlines, my characters, my first seven chapters (shh).

I’m so ready for this.

But the only way I’m going to possibly accomplish my NaNo goals this year is to focus on Ignite— which means I’ll have to put other writing endeavors aside, lovely they may be. (And that will be a feat in itself, considering I have a short story assignment to work on for AP English in addition to Ignite… but I digress.) Blogging and short stories shall be put on hold for a little while.

And so, with that, I bid my goodbyes until December– until I am sweet seventeen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you… May He make His face shine on you and be gracious to you… May He turn His face toward you and give you peace. {Numbers 6:24-26}

You are loved and prayed for, dear heart, and I’m beyond grateful for you.

{love always, Em}

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