// reasons for eucharisteo – vol. 1 //

Eucharisteo – yoo-khar-is-teh’-o. Verb. Greek.

Definition: To be grateful; to give thanks.

It all started when my dear friend Anna Grace read the book One Thousand Gifts.

Afterwards she excitedly shared with us all the little sunbeams of truth God had shown her throughout the pages of the book, including her challenge to herself to make a list of one thousand things she was thankful for, just as the book’s author had. She began to blog little snippets of her list– to this day, they’re some of my favorite blog posts to read, simply because they point out all the beauties in life, and how there is always something to be joyful about.

Anna Grace had told the rest of us that we needed to read the book as well, and I basically did one of those things where I said, “Yeah, I will!”, but doubted that I’d ever actually get to read it. Imagine my surprise and delight when, one afternoon when I was browsing my parents’ bookshelf in our playroom and found– you’ll never guess– One Thousand Gifts sitting there.

Okay, I thought with a smile as I took it off the shelf and opened to the first page, It looks like You really want me to read this book, huh? I feel as if my worldview’s going to change after this…

And, to make a long story short, it did. I learned so much about what thankfulness (eucharisteo) truly is, and how it’s not just something you do once a year in November before a table fit for a king, or at church every Sunday– when times are good and life is sunny– but also when times are hard and storms surround you and your heart is crying out to God. That’s true gratitude– when you can praise Him and His goodness no matter what the circumstances.

So, after I read this wonderful book (that each and every one of you should also read), I decided to create my own list of one thousand reasons to be thankful. I’ll be sharing bits of it on here sporadically; this list was begun during the golden days of midsummer, so these posts will be rather belated. Basically, they’ll end up being posted a month or two (or more) after I actually write them. ^-^

And so, without further ado… a bit of eucharisteo!

1.) piano medleys of showtunes. gorgeous.

2.) drinking tea in the mornings.

3.) spending the night at my grandparents’ home.

4.) “Feel free to do whatever you want”.

5.) lovely floral décor.

6.) baking lessons from Grandmommy.

7.) all six glorious hours of 1995 Pride and Prejudice.

8.) the ability to journal when my heart is overwhelmed.

9.) emailing my dear friend Sarah.

10.) rain storms in the evening.

11.) babysitting my favorites.

12.) She Reads Truth devotionals.

13.) autumn weather on a summer evening.

14.) ramblings from Matt.

15.) picnics in the sunshine with three lovely friends.

16.) quiet breakfasts in the morning.

17.) thinking of an interesting facet to a story.

18.) using Starbucks gift cards (and being in good company when I do).

19.) iced black tea lemonade.

20.) driving completely alone and enjoying it.

21.) random little gifts from the Smiths.

22.) days at Holiday World with my family.

23.) little girls who are trying to earn their fairy wings by helping others.

24.) long car rides.

25.) the fact that I have grown up in middle class America.

26.) the way God makes everything look brighter in the mornings.

27.) pool parties with the youth group.

28.) good conversations with Cayman.

29.) Youtube adaptations of classic novels.

30.) visits from Memphis friends.

{love Em}

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